I didn't check what exactly the issue was - all I found it is that the
error happens in the line I mentioned in my initial post and that it
goes away with cmake 3.6.2.
Then I misinterpreted your earlier comment ("I figured it out -I think
your change requires at least CMake 3.2"). Sounded as if you had already
tracked down the specific issue. In that case you made a very good
prediction as it turned out this was exactly the version that would've
been required. ;-)
I would suggest to run CI tests with exactly the version of CMake which
is mentioned in the main CMake file as minimum required version. This
way such issues would show up during CI testing.
That sounds like a good idea!
Unfortunately we can't easily do that in all cases (e.g. MSYS2 uses
rolling release and therefore will always uses the most recent version
of cmake - which is also not bad as it makes us aware of new issues early).
But maybe GitLab CI on Linux allows for this? I have no experience with
it, though, but I guess Mc or tedg can comment!
Also having CI use different distribution versions (as we had on
Launchpad) would help to avoid issues like the ones you mentioned in the
other thread. I think bryce wanted to look into setting up the ppa again
It is a good question what version this should be. I can confirm that up
to very recently it did work with 3.0.2. Not sure if it really works
with 2.8.2 as mentioned in the main CMake file.
Until recently it was 2.8.0 and I changed it to 2.8.2 because I added
something new (can't remember what). Now I think it should even be
2.8.11 because of the use of "string(TIMESTAMP ...)" - but there could
obviously already be code that needs a newer version...